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海鼠釉 そば猪口 3,300


海鼠釉湯吞 3,300

藁灰釉湯吞 3,300


海鼠釉大湯呑 4,950

湯呑 2,200

藁灰釉湯吞 3,300

藁灰釉湯吞 3,300

藁灰釉湯吞 3,300

辰砂釉湯呑 3,300 在庫無し

海鼠釉 大湯吞 4,950

藁灰釉湯吞 3,300 在庫なし

緑釉 大湯呑 4,950

藁灰釉湯吞 3,300

刷毛目湯吞 2,200

夫婦湯吞 5,500 木箱入り

夫婦湯吞み 桐箱入り 7,350

急須 7,700

急須 7,700

急須 7,700

藁灰釉 急須 9,900

The pottery studio also sells works, so please feel free to come and visit us.

Inkuyama Pottery Factory ■ Business hours: 9:00-17:00 Open all year round (no reservations required)
■649 Kunoji, Yazu-cho, Yazu-gun, Tottori Prefecture, 680-0451
■TEL: 0858-72-0278

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